Wednesday, December 29, 2010


As of this morning, I am officially able to announce that I have accepted a position with Downey Side Families for Youth. Remember when I blogged that when I asked God what I should be doing, He said nothing? Well, here's how that went.

Another woman in our church is looking for a job and she sent a link to Bart of a list of jobs that are for non-profits in MN. On that list was the position with Downey Side. The deadline was the next day. I asked Bart, "Does do nothing mean not applying?" He said, no, I think that pretty much fell into your lap. So I zipped a resume to them that I had prepared a year or so ago when another job was out there....

Had the interview and was offered the job today. I will be working at Downey Side Families for Youth in their southern office which is located about 40 miles from my house. There are a lot of really good things about this.

1) I can continue to work most of my hours from home.

2) I can continue to have a flexible schedule.

3) I can continue to get paid to live out my passion -- finding permanent families for older kids.

4) I love the mission and history of the organization. Preventing Homeless through Relationships. The agency was started in New York City over 40 years ago with the goal of finding homes for children before they ended up on the streets after aging out of foster care. They recruit families who will take children over 10.

5) I feel like I'm returning to our routes. If you read our book you will see that Downey Side was OUR agency and that they helped us with the adoptions of Tony, Kyle, Mike, John, Salinda, Sadie and Rand. The guy who was our first social worker is still involved and is a unique and wonderful character! I got to talk to him today..... and will get to see him in January.

6) In this economy I didn't have to look for a job and the timing is such that because of unused paid leave etc, it will be as though I haven't missed a paycheck.

7) I still get to work part time with Adopt America and match kids!

I will miss PFRC. They are a great group of people and a wonderful agency. But as I often say, it's about the kids out there who need homes. So my attempt always is to focus on the mission -- not the agency or the state or the workers -- but on those kids who wait.....


  1. I think this is truly wonderful and that you will be such an asset to the organization. There is a master plan we don't usually see, isn't there? :-)

  2. Congratulations on your new endeavor!

  3. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Did you know I worked at Downey Side once? That's where I learned I can not do fundraising...

    Congratulations! :-)

  4. What wonderful news! Amazing how everything came together, even going back years to them being your agency. You'll be a blessing at Downey Side.
