Wednesday, December 29, 2010

At the Y--- MCA

SIng it with me now.....

Kari and I went back to the Y this morning for the first time in about a week. Here's a sampling of our conversation as we were leaving the Y. It's going to make you wonder why she wants to be my friend.

The conversation started with me saying: You know, you and people like you are are defying God's law, so you get what you get.

She responded: What?

I contineud: Well, In about 10 years you and I are going to be sitting at Dunn Brothers having breakfast and you're going to say, "wow, you'e hair is grey." And you'll never have noticed that it happened. It's going to happen gradually the way God intended. But for you, NOOOOOO. You had to start dying your hair. So now, you're going to have to make the decision.

What do you mean?

Well, you're going to have to decide how and when you're going to go grey. I mean are you going to do the skunk thing? Or maybe shave it off with the Susan Powter look, or you could do that thing we talked about and I could buy you scarves and we could pretend you were having chemo....


But I don't get it. Why would women put themselves through this big decision WHILE going through menopause? Isn't THE CHANGE bad enough without having to decide when or how to go grey? You shouldn't have died it.

Fifty. I'll do it when I'm fifty.

Just like that? You've made the decision to do it at fifty?

Yup, when I'm fifty.

OK, I'm SOOO going to hold you to that. Fifty it is. It's not that far away you know.

Shut up. (OK, OK, so maybe she didn't say shut up. But she should have). But I have to lose weight first. I can't be fat AND grey. (WHAT?????)))

I just left that hanging in the air. You can't be fat AND grey? Who says? Like skinny and grey is qualitatively different?

So, when she's 50, what do you think we should do? Fake chemo? Shave it? Or the skunk thing? We have a few years.

I'm going for the Susan Powter option. Don't you think she'd look great bald?

(Kari's photo used without permission. Susan's too. ;-)


  1. I'm not going grey until my toddler enters high school. I do not want to be mistaken for her grandmother. I figure I'll dye my hair blonde and let the grey's grow in through that so they aren't so noticeable.

  2. Anonymous11:44 AM

    i started going grey with the birth of my bipolar kid when i was 27. it started with a stripe in my bangs--pure white. my husband loved it......go figure. so even when i wanted red hair for fun, i left the stripe. but i stopped messing with my hair color several years ago.

    now, almost 23 years later, it's a pretty wide stripe. and there's the classic snow on the roof. and you know what? i like it. my husband likes it. it suits me.

    and yes, some people do mistake me for my 5 year old's grandma. so what! i love the looks on their faces when SHE corrects them!

    power to the silver!

  3. I started going grey in my early twenties, but it almost looked like highlights in my short hair, and wasn't too noticeable. In my mid 30s I went to more than 50% grey and wanted to start wearing it long, so I started dying it.

    A few years ago I got sick of the skunk stripes, and tried highlighting it to blend in the grey to let it grow out. That didn't really work, but it did give me time to grow it out for several months so when I chopped off all the dyed hair it would look like a short cut instead of a buzz.

    Now I'm 40 and it's long again and I don't dye it anymore. I get compliments on it, and people still mistake me for much younger so it must not look too bad. I say stick with the grey! It's "distinguished."

    Mary in TX

  4. So what is Kari actually saying when she says 50? That 50 is OLD? That she won't care what she looks like anymore? 50 is kick the bucket age? Just wondering because I am pretty close to someone who is 50....

  5. haha. I had a smattering of blindingly reflective white hairs while I was still in high school. My mom's hair was snow white by age 45. I figured I was doomed, and I started coloring my hair by age 30. As my hair continued to lighten, like Sunny suggested, I lightened my hair color blonder and blonder... Finally I quit altogether and it took my hubby 1-2 years before he knew (because I told him) that I wasn't coloring it any more.

    For whatever reason, mine didn't go fully gray or white, but blonde.

    (OK, now for something really ironic... the word verification is GRALYSAD)


  6. I leave town for a few hours and come back to a new head?! I simply cannot leave you unattended, woman.

    And for FYI (as your son would say) my hair color is perfectly natural. It's called "warm maple brown" and the box it comes in is recyclable. You don't get any more natural than that.
