Monday, December 06, 2010

Changing it up a bit

I realized suddenly, last night, that if I wasn't working 50-70 hours a week any more that maybe I didn't have to get up at 4:30. So I tried something different. I got up at 6:30 and wrote a chapter for my next book. And now I'm going to wake the kids up and take them to school and then pick up Kari and her son and head to the YMCA.

In the past when I have done it this way I have felt like half my day was over by the time I got into the office. But I have spent the weekend praying about my future and it's really surprising the answer I've been getting. I wish it was different, I really do.

Whenever I ask God, "So, what's next? How do you want me to find a job? Who should I be contacting? What's my next step? I'm ready to do whatever you want me to do. What's the plan? What do you want me to do?"

ANd His response has been "nothing."


NOTHING? Seriously? I"m not good at doing nothing.

I've heard some other equally disturbing words. Words like "wait" and "relax" and "focus on being, not doing" and "do the things you've always wanted to do but never had time to do."

I keep hoping for another message... In fact I've been at times begging for one, searching for one, but "nothing" is all I'm getting.

In fact, when my mouse starts to click over to a new tab in my browser with the intent to search for jobs, I get the same message loud and clear. It's pretty frightening.

But I'm attempting to obey as much as I can until I get further instructions. But I would have rather had a to-do list with 100 things on it than to get the message to do nothing and wait.

This is going to be a very interesting journey....


  1. does it help to be reminded that typically when God gives us these times of nothingness and respite, it's because there is another crazy, loud, exciting time coming down the road and we really do need the rest in advance?

  2. Love this post! I remember a similar moment years ago when I was ranting to a dear friend about the fact that I was praying and praying and getting no answer, when she stopped me in my tracks with the simple statement "Have you considered the possibility that you HAVE gotten an answer and the answer was 'No'?"
    Gail Underwood Parker

  3. Nothing is a wonderful answer. Just BE with your family! I am hoping for the same answer so I can just do nothing with my kids. This is a great season for you & your kids. Savor it!
