Sunday, December 05, 2010

What Did I Do Yesterday?

So, are you curious?

Well, I got my office very clean. For the first time in several months I had Jimmy and Sadie help me and we got it done really well. And then I went with Bart on a 5 hour journey to take Jimmy up to Kyle's so they could go to a VIking's game today for Jimmy's birthday present.

We have so many birthdays in November and December that I forgot to even mention that Jimmy turned 19 this week. Ricardo will turn 17 this week coming up and Wilson and Salinda are the 24th and 25th of December, yes, Christmas eve and Christmas Day, and will be 12 and 18. We already had Sadie turn 16 and Kyle turn 24 in November. Crazy huh? Plus Courtney (John's Girlfriend) and Christy (Kyle's wife) have November birthdays and Gabby will be one on the 29th.

After we got home I finished the powerpoint for church in record time and then had planned to take the girls -- Sadie and her friend Sara and Courtney -- to a movie, but there as a major event downtown by the cheap theatre and absolutely nowhere to park.... So we went out for pie instead. Came home, held Isaac until bedtime, and that was my day.

So much for the list of projects I started ... but making hte list of projects as I cleaned off my desk reminded me that I have so much to do I'll never be bored....

I came home

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen your office that clean and organized! I am impressed...and a little worried. Soon you'll be subscribing to the Martha Stewart magazine and watching HGTV.
