Sunday, December 26, 2010

Finding Myself Ready to Exhale

Church this morning and going out to breakfast afterwards almost signals the end of our Christmas festivities and hopefully the stress of the holidays. it seems to get a bit better every year as the kids get older. I feel like I have been holding my breath for the longest time and now might be able to exhale.

Am thinking ahead and hoping to have a better grip on reality over the next few weeks -- tryign tog et a lot done and not get overwhelmed. I have been really off my game for the last month -- some short term memory loss, not feeling great physically, unsettled emotions. I'm sure it's probably aging, but I've been attempting to live in denial about that.

Maybe I just need to sleep more ;-) Hope everyone has had a great Chrsistmas and that you'll all not only survive but enjoy having the kids home!


  1. Thanks and Merry Christmas to you, too! I can't believe how well our Christmas day went. The two teenagers were with their families, so it just left 4 at home and everyone stayed pretty regulated. :-)

  2. Claudia, please take care of yourself and see your doctor. None of those symptoms are typical of aging. What if it's something really simple, like sleep apnea, but you never get treatment because you're afraid of what the doctor will say?
