Monday, December 27, 2010

Up and back in it.... kinda

Bart and I got up before the kids did and had breakfast out and hit some after Christmas sales. I"m motivated to get a few things organized around here. Doing things like ordering pictures to redo our wall of pictures that has broken frames, etc. to include new family members....

We were amazed at the beauty around us as we drove around town today. Our city has many trees and they all look gorgeous!

Have a court hearing today to finish up a great adoption with a family I've been working with for a bit over a year. Then maybe a movie at the cheap theatre is in store for us tonight.....

Here's hoping that the coming of the new year will come with renewed ferver to blog about things that matter.....

Thrilled to have Salinda 18 now. And nice to have a house full of kids who at least do something to contribute to the family system and who occasionally admit to loving us and demonstrate varying degrees of attachment....

Life may just be looking up...

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