Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Focus on The Baby

I always knew that teenage pregnancies weren't a good idea. But i'm learning more about that every day. Two people, neither employed, with no money, who have a hard time getting along on a good day, really shouldn't have a baby. But if they do, then everyone figures out a way to deal with it and the drama never ends.

I won't go through details, and to their credit, John and Courtney are doing an excellent job of caring for Isaac, but there is often stuff happening that causes stress. Sometimes it is just the stress of all kinds of little things, but they build up and it can cause frustration and resentment all over the place. But in the midst of it, I've found the key.... I focus on the baby.

Isaac is a little snuggler. He just burrows his little head into my neck and falls asleep there, rested and relaxed and breathing his warm baby air down my shirt. He smells so good -- the way a baby should smell, and when i feed him and he fixes his eyes on mine, I just melt. As long as I can keep my focus on the baby, all the rest of the irritation and resentment and frustration and drama just seems to disappear into the background.

What an excellent message for all of us this Christmas season! What if we could take time to look straight into the eyes of the baby Jesus during the craziness that surrounds us?

I have absolutely no Christmas spirit this year. We are way behind with everything. Since Thanksgiving I've been really off kilter. I haven't felt that great, I haven't been motivated with the job loss to spend money, I haven't felt energetic -- especially after last week's colonoscopy x 2 with the anesthesia. Dominyk is the worst he has ever been. And I could go on and on and on. And I just don't seem to have what it takes to pull myself out of the slump I'm in.

Maybe you're having a similar experience this Christmas. But if we make the baby our focus, we may just find that everything else seems more bearable.

Remember this old song:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in his wonderful face.
And the things of earth will go strangely dim
in the light of his glory and grace.

Let's focus on the baby this Christmas.


  1. You sound like you're a bit depressed.

    I guess you can blog, even though you may not always publish. :-)

  2. I may be a bit depressed but I thought this post was at least a little upbeat!

    I'm getting better as the day goes on by the way...
