Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Moments Like This

Last night several of the kids opted to come with us to Sadie's Christmas Concert. Ever since they were in kindergarten (or whatever grade they were in the first year they came to live with us) the tradition has been that after a concert of any kind there is a trip to the restaurant of their choice for a treat. This is one of the traditions that no matter how old they get, never seems to get forgotten.

So last night it was Sadie's turn and Baker's Square is her favorite. We each had a piece of pie except for Ricardo who is determined to make weight for a wrestling match this week. He also is determined to never let me get a good picture. And Tony had just had a blue sucker, providing us with some laughs as his lips remained very very blue.

But moments like last night are some of those that make the rest of it all -- the process, the system, and the kids and their issues -- worth it.

Aren't they gorgeous!!!!??!!

1 comment:

  1. They are indeed and I cracked up over the blue lips as my daughter loves to do that too!
