Friday, December 03, 2010

The Last Day

For the last two weeks I have known that I this my last day of employment at Permanent Family Resource Center. The decision was made entirely because of budgeting issues and there are no hard feelings in either direction. I would still highly recommend the agency. My families are disappointed to not have me as their direct worker, but those in the matching process can still register with Adopt America as I remain employed there.

I found out about this on the Monday before Thanksgiving. Surprisingly I was very much at peace when I heard the news. In fact, I was comforting my boss when she was having to break the news to me! The funny thing is, I have no idea how we are going to replace the income. I would love to think that I would get enough speaking engagements or make enough money from book sales to offset my salary from there, but it is wishful thinking. So I am interested to see how God is going to provide for us. It certainly will be an adventure.

So I have mixed feelings today. I have done this kind of up-close-and-personal adoption work for 8 years on a part-time and sometimes full-time basis. I have placed about 88 kids (don't have the exact number) and 81 of those kids I have or will see finalized in court. I have had the joy of placing a sibling group of 6, a sibling group of 7, a 17 year old and his brother, a medically fragile child, and several other groups of various sizes and kids of various ages into permanent homes. It's been a good run. Families were made and I got to be a part of it.

And I've worked with some amazing people in my job as well. I won't mention any by name, but know that there are some wonderful people there....

And I know that I'm not going to stop talking to any of these people. Just because I'm no longer employed doesn't mean that I am not going to be alive. These people have become my friends and will remain so.

And while I am sad to be closing this chapter of my life, I am very excited to find out what God has in store. I'm a little bit nervous that the waiting time between now and when I find out what that is is going to be stressful, but I truly believe that God "knows the plans He has for me... to give me a future and a hope." I'm so much at peace and so very confident of that right now.

This song has been one of my favorites since it came out many years ago. I'm just smiling and enjoying my Great Adventure. I see myself at this juncture as a person looking up at God, ready and waiting, and shouting, "Bring it ON!"


  1. May God truly bless the next chApter of your life. Here the State has incredible turnover and really needs experienced workers.

  2. You are an incredible person, social worker and have so blessed my life. As sad as I am to lose you as my social worker...I am excited to see what the next chapter of your life holds. Thank you Claudia...for making my dream come true!!! Blessings on you!!!!!!

  3. Yipe-0-ky-ay! I can see you mounting up, with lariat in hand, my friend. Be sure and wear chaps and a 1950's Howdy Doody fringed vest. Oh wait, I think Howdy has been replaced with Woody and Toy Story. Same outfit.

    You know I'll be here, waiting to read all about your next adventure.

    And old was Steven Curtis Chapman in THAT video? Twelve? He couldn't have known the tragedy his own family would experience, when he wrote about blazing trails. We never know how God will work in our lives to continue His purifying process.

    Nancy in Iowa with a skiff of snow this morning

  4. OMG! I have to tell you about my Steven Curtis Chapman moment!

    When this album came out he came to our church to do a concert. I was still working at the daycare at the time and was working with our Youth Pastor as a youth leader. We had been in the building all day and heard about a million sound checks and therefore heard "Saddle up your horses" line a blue million times. It was getting old!

    The Youth Pastor and I were in the gym right behind the sanctuary and were riding brooms like horses with ropes in hand belting out "The Great Adventure" at the top of our lungs because we thought the band was at dinner. We were laughing and carrying on and then we look over and Steven and the band are videotaping us! It was funny! They actually used the footage in the concert. I was mortified.

    :) Thanks for that fun memory!

  5. I just love your optimism in the face of uncertainty...I look forward to hearing how God will provide and continue to use you to grow and strengthen adoptive families.

  6. Do the families who adopted the sib groups of 6 & 7 have blogs?

    Angela :-)
