Thursday, December 02, 2010

The Continuance of a Very Strange Week

Again, unnamed son came out of the bathroom at 10:30 last night as I was heading in, me a bit shocked to see someone who is supposed to be in jail....

Third night in a row to have John, Courtney, and Isaac here, but no complaints on my end. I love spending time with the little guy every day. I'm so glad to know that, unlike Gabby, he will be able to know me, my voice, my hugs, from the very beginning of his days. He is such a snuggler too and it's just very peaceful to hold him.

Last night Courtney, John, Wilson, and Sadie were all in our bedroom while I was holding him and Dominyk and Tony were in there doing their own version of what I can the "Two Stooges" and what John has renamed "Stepbrothers" (I haven't seen the movie so I don't know if that is accurate, but two stooges fits!) Courtney finds them to be hilarious -- probably the same way that I find it particularly amusing when Isaac has a very loose bowel movement that crawls up his back. She doesn't have to deal with it so it can be really funny to her.

But little Isaac just sleeps through it all. Last night he was lying on my chest with his hand gripping the collar of my shirt and I could feel his little fingernails against my skin. He is just such a calm little guy.

Today Tony and DOminyk have therapy which is always an interesting morning for us. ...

Taking one day at a time for sure....

1 comment:

  1. What an absolutely adorable itty bitty boy! I can see how you would want to love on him until the end of time.
