Friday, December 17, 2010

Sorry to Leave you Hanging

Kari called me about noon to remind me that I hadn't blogged and to mention that I left you all hanging wondering if I had done bodily harm to any of my children. The answer is no. They actually had a better day. Several of them, even the "adult" kids, made a huge snow fort in the back yard. I may even take a picture of it for you sometime.

Bart and I finally started our Christmas shopping this morning. We actually don't Christmas SHop -- we Christmas buy. And we did a lot of it!

Tonight we are having the Coffees over for dinner and to celebrate some birthdays -- homemade pizza here we come.

ANd I am finally getting a few things done this afternoon.

So the answer is no, I didn't kill anyone. In fact, today the adult kids around here have been working hard to not make me angry -- so it's been a fairly good day so far. Of course, we did have school today and nobody has returned from there yet ;-)

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