Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter Wonderland?

WE woke up to news of a two hour late start. Tony and Dominyk were schedule to have therapy. Bart had to be at all all day staff retreat. So he went to work and later Rand and I drove over to get the car so that I could take the boys to therapy and Rand could take the others to school. On the way back from that adventure, I got stuck going up the steepest hill in our town -- as did many others -- we were all sliding everywhere. It was nuts.

When I finally got home the boys ran out to tell me therapy was cancelled... and I proceeded to get stuck in the driveway and when Tony would not shut up an I yelled at him he got out of the van screamed at the top of his lungs that he hoped I F'in Died and called me a b****. It's so nice when all the neighbors are out snow blowing their driveways that they can hear such lovely things coming from my children's lips. This is one of the very few ways I envy Cindy. At least she's out in the middle of nowhere -- I've been there -- and at least there are no neighbors but her wonderful daughters to observe the crap.

Word just in.... school is cancelled for the day.

A Winter Wonderland? Not exactly my word for it.

Now you can hop on over to Kari's blog today and she'll probably have some post about how they are knitting blankets or making creme brule together -- and then hop back over to mine later and find out if I managed to keep from murdering someone.

Just kidding. I actually am thinking about doing something somewhat creative today. But we'll see how things go...


  1. I think I would at least give in to a daydream of Tony being made very miserable! I hate when they do that. You are just nicer than I am.

  2. Nope. Just ugly Christmas sweaters over at Kari's!
    Nancy down south
