Wednesday, December 01, 2010

What's Bugging YOU today?

If you asked me that, I could tell you three totally unrelated things.

My beloved Mac Mail program which has been serving me well for many many years (I save every email so it takes some doing to store the 150,000 I have or whatever.... well, it's not showing my quoted text and I can't figure out why. It's driving me nuts and I'm not sure what to do. 99% of the time I have a computer problem I can fix it (which means you Windows users better not go mocking me right now) but this time I'm baffled... oh wait, maybe not that baffled, I just had an idea. BRB.

Hey, i fixed it! But in the process I messed up something else which will take me a while to fix. Oh well....

Unemployed young adults. But you knew that. And apparently the jail won't let our unnamed son in. He went in again last night and they told him he had to pick up his paperwork at the courthouse. This reminds me of August with the whole Terminator thing with the girl.

And the third thing is the kids. All the kids who wait. Yesterday I sent out 48 situations. I have not gotten a single response yet. I may not get one. Most of them are teens. It's really sad to me that all these kids will age out without bottom paddles to rescue them in the pinball game of life. But we sure don't have room for any more. Courtney and Isaac were back again last night. We love having them, but there is just no more space for another teen, no matter how many of them I see that I think "I could parent him!" (notice the pronoun)?


  1. I always found, with teenagers, boys easier than girls.

  2. When you start a program for teens (boys, LOL) who have aged out and need a place... let me know. ;-) I'll take the ones who are motivated and have the capacity for additional schooling, not in any serious legal trouble, no drug involvement, want a place to call home for the holidays, want a family... but are old enough I wouldn't be legally responsible for anything. ;-)

  3. Oh yeah.... aging out... what an inadequate term for what happens! I sometimes think, Why doesn't everybody do this?...every house has room for one more, why are any of these children without a place to call home?
    And then I realize that not everybody CAN do what we are doing. I have come to see this as a bit of a calling, a mission. Though I wish everyone WOULD step up and open their heart and homes, I recognize that it won't happen. But I will keep trying to convince more and more people to do it.

    Some people dream of world peace... including me. But I have another dream too. I dream of a world where enough people open there hearts and homes that every single child, teen, person in this country has a place to be safe and be loved.
    Gail Underwood Parker

  4. i think to myself I know so much, I could be helping so many challenged kids and then I realize that Sissy is so severe that we'd never pass a homestudy...
