Monday, January 31, 2011

Birthday Burger

Apologies for not blogging. I've been busy, distracted, and overwhelmed. I trained 9=5 Saturday and then drove home from there to attend a party at church until almost ten. Yesterday was a blur and today was worse. There was no school and another snow storm. I'm just getting more tired by the minute.

My plan is to go to eed early tonight and hopefully tomorrow I will have some semblance of my groove back.

Did take a break today to go out to lunch with Tony, Bart and one of our assistant pastors to celebrate Tony's birthday early. Neither he nor I will be home this weekend as he has a youth event and I am taking Sadie and her friend Sara on a trip to Revolve in Kansas City.

Tony wanted to have his picture on the wall for eating a double Wildcat Burger. He did it! That's my boy!

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