Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Finding my Rhythm

I am hoing that this is the week I find my rhythm. January was full of so many changes. New job, new diet, new routines at home... and I have had trouble getting things straight. For the first time in my life I signed up for something I couldn't follow through with! I really wanted to attend a Bible Study for women at church but it was on Thursday nights and eight and by the time I got to Thursday I was ready for bed by 8:30!

Hopefully I have a better handle on things in February. I'm still getting most of what I need to do done, but I'm finding myself on unsure footing.... I think today might be the day that I head back in.

It's a new month! How did everyone do on their new years resolutions? Please don't ask about mine! I'm ready to blow up Lifetick for sending me all the reminders of how I"m not doing what I hoped to. Guess I might just go turn them off.

Please tell me you're doing better than I am....


  1. An tiny bit better- I have cut my Pepsi consumption in half. Still have a long way to go!

  2. i failed miserably, i think i took over gb's mom's share with drinking MORE coke. but less iced and kool-aid...

    ugh it's horrible, it's like i can FEEL myself getting/being addicted to sugar. :P
