Sunday, January 09, 2011

How Long Can We Hold it Together?

Well as a family we managed to get up and out the door for church. We all managed to be appropriate for first service.... then we managed to make it through the Sunday school hour ... we managed to make it through 2nd service (I was holding Isaac - oh my was he cute). Then we went out for Tacos for lunch. Everyone did great there. On the way home I was commenting to Bart how well things went.

Then we got home and within 10 minutes two quite tall, quite over 18, quite big guys decided to start screaming at each other and punching at each other. No thank you. I didn't step between them. If one of the kids were a minor or if they both were, maybe, but if two adults go at it, I'm staying out of the way.

By the time Bart got down there the two of them were done and they'll be buddies in an hour, but good grief the tempers flared and they were acting like very young children who had a toy taken away....

So I guess then answer is 4 hours. That's how long we as a family can hold it together.

1 comment:

  1. Some days my guys can make 4 hours easy; other days they can't make 10 minutes. Que sera, sera.
