Monday, January 10, 2011

A different start to my day

Got up at 4:30, headed out to start the van, finding yet more snow had fallen, came in to let the van warm up and got a text from Kari saying her husband had to plow this morning and therefore she couldn't go to the Y. Bart was already up not feeling well and I wasn't feeling the best either. I debated going back to bed, believing I would really regret it if I did, but apparently it is what my body needed because after another 45 minutes of sleep and 3 trips to the bathroom I was feeling a lot better.

I had worked yesterday and don't like doing that... but since I hadn't done much on Saturday, I needed to catch up some. I have a lot to do today as well and need to dive in and do it....

In going back over the first week of my goals, I accomplished many of my objectives for the week. I have spent time with Rand, John, and Courtney alone this month to help them set some of their own goals. Our time together has been very good. Bart and I had 2 lunch dates alone last week. We had a family movie night. I completed my exercise goals.

Now if I can just manage my time a bit better this week so I don't get to the end of the week and have to work a hundred hours in a day (Ok, so that's hyperbole) life will be better.

HOw's everyone else doing with New Year's Resolutions?


  1. well i havent MADE iced tea or kool aid, thats bonus right? lol :P but i did buy a case of pop which i never do, so i guess that kind of defeats the positive of not making a jug of iced tea :P my name is robyn, and im a sugar addict
