Saturday, January 15, 2011

How long does it take to drive 90 miles?

Well apparently five hours. Last night. Yes. Twin Cities. Trying to make it home to be Ricardo and Leon's parents for wrestling night. They are both having pretty good seasons-- Leon's better than last year, Ricardos not as good. I can tell you and them why, but you probably aren't that interested, and they sure aren't interested in my opinions.

Anyway, Bart and I were doing a training yesterday afternoon and left early to be sure and not make it. But we got caught in Friday night rush hour in the middle of a snow storm and it took over 4 hours to get home, five all together after we stopped to eat. We had some awesome friends (thanks Tim and Sue) who were able to pinch hit for us....

There was a brief time when I had Bart's phone in one hand and my phone in the other and I was trying to coordinate everyone who went from one place or another and had all these plans. Several arguments and conversations later we had everyone situated and settled down for a very long drive.

I have an amazingly patient husband though and he handled it all very well, getting us home safely only about 2 hours and 30 minutes after we had planned.

Sometimes we just can't win for losing. We plan so hard to be where we are supposed to do and do what we need to, and things happen. But at least we've been having minor failures consistently for long enough that we are getting accustomed to it ;-)

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