Friday, January 14, 2011

Just Saying...

Kari and I were talking this morning about how we really thought our whole Y episode and the telling of it was way funnier than y'all did. She says maybe we're wasting our good material on you. I say that it is just that we have set the bar so high that you have come to EXPECT us to be hilarious. (hmmm. Interesting self-image I have, huh? I think my parents overdid it on the self esteem building stuff).

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I was out of the house by 7:25 and didn't arrive back home until 9:15. It was a long day, but a good one. I also have started a new diet that is really not fun, but as long as I block it out and don't think about a certain food group I do ok...

Another full day today... Busy busy work stuff but part of my day I get to spend alone in the car with my husband. That's going to be good. We need it.


  1. actually i think you are both hysterical with your Y postings!

  2. I think you both are great and very funny. I live every morning to look up your blog and find something funny to read, it makes my day.
    I have started a new diet this week also. On my third day today and at night all I think about is eating some bad foods. I am just a bear now that my body in detoxing from all the sugar and fat.
    Best Wishes Claudia, keep the funny coming.

  3. You two are truly hysterical - and a little insane for waking up so early to actually get to the Y! Keep the stories coming; please.

  4. Enjoy all the stories, good, bad and indifferent. I laughed, but I have been told I am a bit warped at times. Hope the diet goes well.

  5. uh ya - totally extremely funny!
