Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No Two Are Alike

It's still snowing. It has been snowing since I woke up yesterday morning. There were already feet of snow in our yard when this started falling. It's falling lightly though, so it's not accumulating tons, but there is still quite a bit out there.

I'm sure I have blog readers who don't believe in God so you can ignore this post but at Bible study Thursday the comment was made, "It's amazing to think that God creates each snowflake unique." And to think of how many trillions of snowflakes have fallen on us this winner -- that none of them are alike -- how can I not worship a God who did that? The snow is actually really beautiful, but there is just a lot of it. We're used to it, unlike Cindy who can't even get off her property. We probably got as much snow in the past 24 hours as they did and it has fallen on feet of snow, but we have snow plows, know how to drive in it, and are used to it. They are both thrilled (the kids) and traumatized (everyone else ;-)

Whenever it snows like this, though, Kari can't come to the Y and for some reason lately if she doesn't go I can't make myself go. So I treated myself and stayed in bed way longer than usual....

Now I have to cram more hours into my work day but hopefully I won't be exhausted if I slept this late...

I have finished my book for this contest. The deadline is the 15th....

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