Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This is How MInnesotans (who are former Guatemalans) shovel

Jimmy never wears pants. He did not pose for this picture. This is how I found him shoveling. Short sleeve t-shirt. Shorts. Snow boots. I kid you not.


  1. OMG that had me with my jaw dropped. I am the 50 layers cause I am freezing to death person and I am born and bred in the Northeast. I am in awe!

  2. That is so cool. You know what Hanna, one of our Texas kids does not like to wear pants either. She says it bothers her legs and makes her slow.

  3. Cool. Hahahaha! Love it!

  4. Hey there Claudia...
    The insanity is not limited to warm climate kids moving to cold climates. My oldest [18 1/2 years old] always prefers to shovel dressed that way. When he turned 18 he proudly announced "Now I can wear whatever I want outside!" Not that it works, mind you, but I thought you might enjoy knowing you and he are not the only ones!
    Gail Underwood Parker
