Sunday, January 02, 2011

This is Why....

Wow, my kids are having a rough time this morning. I am a very strange parent because I require kids to be in their rooms at 10 every night of the week. And I make them get up by 10 in the morning on Saturdays and school holidays. Well, I used to. That way their sleep cycles didn't get messed up and they didn't have mornings like this morning.

But this Christmas break my husband has suggested that I'm too restrictive and that during Christmas break we should allow them to stay up a bit longer. Well we tried that and it resulted in ME being kept up until almost 1:30 this morning because they couldn't settle down. So here we are this morning with some very tired kids.

Last night we watched a very long movie together and it actually went fairly well. I think we're going to try to do it once a week. In the past we have tried and it has been so frustrating with all of hte bickering and ridiculous behavior, but it seems they may be to the point where we can watch a movie together at home and enjoy it. That only took 14 years. SIgh.

SO, we're off to church and lunch and then a day of getting everyone back on track to go back to school tomorrow. I start my new job already tomorrow so I need to be ready and raring to go.....

Hope the new year is starting well for everyone else -- we had a good day yesterday!


  1. I don't think that's too restrictive at all. My daughter would love to sleep until early afternoon and stay up until 2 or 3 in the morning on weekends/holidays, but instead she gets me standing over her at 10 a.m., announcing "Time to get up!" (She made it until almost 11 this morning, but only because I'm sick and had slept late myself.) It's just too hard when a school morning rolls around again and you're trying to rouse a kid who's been nocturnal for the last two weeks.

  2. Wishing you the very best in your new job. I know you will make a world of difference for many children and families!
