Saturday, January 01, 2011

This Speaks for itself....

I'm working on the powerpoint for tomorrow morning and this is song we are going to sing is my prayer for the coming year. I think it speaks especially to those of us raising difficult children -- that someday we may be able to sing these words. Which verse describes you?

Are you feeling the shock of joy because you are seeing seeds spring forth?

Or are you simply hoping that this year it will be your turn?

When God restored our common life
our hope, our liberty
at first it seemed a passing dream, a waking fantasy
A shock of joy swept over us
for we had wept so long;
the seeds we watered once with tears
sprang up into a song.

We went for weeping, sowing seeds
in hard unyielding soil;
with laughing hearts we carry home
the fruit of all our toil.
We praise the one who gave the growth
with voices full and strong
The seeds we watered once with tears
sprang up into a song.

Great liberating God we pray
for all who are oppressed
May those who long for what is right
with justice now be blest.
We pray for those who mourn this day
and all who suffer wrong
may seeds they water now with tears
spring up into a song.

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