Friday, April 08, 2011

Always Bracing Myself for the Worst

Tonight Bart and I went together with Wilson to pick up his friend and we were talking about last night's event and all the kind words, emails, Facebook messages, etc. I've received since I spoke at Sisters in Grace last night. He said, "You should be a pastor." I said, "I don't want to be a pastor." He said, "Hey, it's a calling." And I said, "but it's not a calling. God hasn't called me to be a preacher."

Wilson, from the back seat, pipes up, "It's a good thing He didn't!"

I said, "Why's that?" (cringing and expecting something like 'cuz you'd suck at it, or you'd be horrible" or something like some of the other kids would have said).

He simply said, "Because you're supposed to be helping make families."

I love it when I'm pleasantly surprised!


  1. What a legacy you are building! I cannot imagine any finer calling than to "make families". Good for you!

  2. Wilson sounds like such an awesome kid.

  3. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I heart Wilson. :)

  4. commenting to 2 posts in one, im so glad your speaking engagement went well last nite! im sure you were a breath of fresh air to those women who looked put together but were maybe wearing 2 different colour socks cause they couldnt find a match. i love reading your blog because youre so honest in your humaness (is that a word?) and i LOVE that you got such positive feedback and sold alot of books!

    and about wilson, im so glad you have him :) lil ray of sunshine and positivity in your sometimes otherwise negative interactions with your kids <3
