Friday, April 08, 2011

From Crabby to Happy

Wow, yesterday I got SOOOO crabby. I found out over a period of a few hours that several different children had been stealing again, I had a troubling conversation with Mike via text, I found out I had been repeatedly lied to, and a few other things that are unbloggable (yes, I know, I'm being vague) had upset me.

By the time I left to speak to the "Sisters in Grace" crowd, I was a mess. I couldn't find my makeup. That's how long it has been since I wore it. I couldn't find one of my dress shoes so I ended up wearing shoes that made me look like I was 86 and had orthopedic issues. When I got there, I was told my slip was showing -- of course I only wear a dress 4 times a eyar any more and it wasn't easter....

Everyone else there was so polished and beautiful and I felt old and dumpy and dumb. But when I got up front they were with me. For all 24 minutes that I spoke I had them... they laughed and laughed and I shared with them how God views us as "enough" even when we are fat, and dumpy, and can't find our makeup. I was real, I was authentic, and I think that, more than anything else, can make a connection.

I was also quite nervous -- I had never done the "Christian Women" crowd before. There were about 270 women there -- and I was afraid that I would do or say something inappropriate. (i know, I know, you're thinking, "YOU?" snark.

But I connected very well and now I'm not afraid to "market" myself, though, as you know if you read this blog, I stink at it. But I can definitely do an all women's event and relate even though, as Bart says, I'm not exactly a woman by definition. ;-)

By the end of the night I had sold more books than I ever have in one setting, signed them all, and heard so much good feedback that I was beaming.

But really, the message that I was giving to them is a message that once again I had to learn for myself. God accepts us AS IS. There is nothing that I can do to make Him love me more and nothing I do will make Him love me less.

When it comes to God, He is enough for me, and because of Jesus and His grace, no matter what, I am good enough for Him!



  1. Perfect! You are perfect. Perfect for God and perfect for the lesson He wanted to remind you, those who attended the event, and for we, your humble readers. You were real, and the lost make-up, ortho shoes, hanging slip... all went to make the illustration better than if you'd planned one of your own funny stories. Though we know that would have been fall down dead laughing, too! And of course we know that God is perfect and will have His perfect will with us when we let Him...and even when we think we might rather not do it that way.

    love ya',
    Nancy in the Midwest

  2. Wish I could have been there. I'm so proud to call you my imperfect friend. :-)
