Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Another Really Full Day

Yesterday I learned a ton, and you'd be surprised to hear that if you really knew me and how much of a reluctant learner I am. But I keep being impressed by the idea that some of my kids might be in a better spot had they had a therapist ten years ago who was trained the way we are learning to train. Yesterday we covered Identity, Brain Development and Neurobiology, and Attachment and I'm seeing ways in which I can apply what I'm learning both personally and professionally.

After a full day of training we went to Debbie Riley's beautiful home for a lovely dinner together. Debbie is the author of Beneath the Mask: Understanding Adopted Teens, a book I definitely intend to buy and read soon. Her insights into identity formation have been presented as part of the curriculum (she actually has had a huge part in writing it and is teaching it to us this week) and I'm excited to read her book. She's also pretty dang nice, but don't tell her I said that. It would ruin my image.

So we were gone from 8:15 a.m. to 9:15 p.m. and then I came home and pushed to catch up with work again, falling into bed happy but exhausted at about 11:30.

Today we go again all day long, focusing more on the adoptive and foster families and looking at things from that end.

Bart reports that things are going fairly well at home although I did have a troubling dream about texting Sadie.

Who has nightmares about texting teenage girls? Oh wait, maybe everyone!

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