Thursday, May 05, 2011

Feeling the Toll

Very long days this week and emotionally I'm feeling the toll of the exhaustion that comes from cramming so much information into a brain at one time. I'm also having some "Grief and Loss" issues in regards to wondering how things would have turned out had I done things differently as a parent, which hasn't happened for a long time.

Great dinner out with fellow trainers, and then a troubling conversation with Bart online before bed about a couple of the kids.

I'm packing up to head out the door -- more meetings until 4 then the airport, a 7:15 flight, a 1.5 hour shuttle ride and I should be home by midnight. Then it's back to getting work done and babysitting Isaac tomorrow, as well as a conference call and an orthodontist appointment for Wilson.....

I always have to hit the ground running -- but fortunately I'm not gone for another hotel night until May 17th....

I feel out of the loop -- haven't even had time to read blogs this week so I'm trusting I'm not missing anything horribly significant!

Hope everyone is well...

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