Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Quick Family Update

Thought I'd update everyone who is curious for the next eight minutes.... as to how everyone is doing.

Kyle and Christy are doing well. Saw them Sunday. Christy has a summer job and Kyle is hoping to get his job back though, as has happened every year, he got a pink slip at the school where he teaches. Hopefully he'll get his job back in the fall.

Rand is still working full time at the Garden Center at Lowe's. They will most likely be cutting his hours soon, but hopefully he will have help finding somethign else.

Mike texts us occasionally but seems to be doing OK -- able to pay his rent and, apparently, staying out of jail.

John got out of jail yesterday. I have told him that he will not be allowed to come to the house. I don't want to live with the anxiety that causes any more. We'll see how that goes.

Jimmy is graduating in about 10 days! June 9th and he'll be finishing High School. Everyone is glad. He is supposedly going to start a job at the University come fall in their kitchen -- he worked there during his High School Special Education work program and they requested to have him back. Hopefully that will work out.

Henry is beginning his 3rd week of work. He has put in 110 hours in two weeks, which includes a bunch of overtime so he's looking forward to that first check. So far things have been ok with them living with us during the week.

Ricardo seems to be stuck right now -- he says he has had an attitude change at school, which I hope is true. His attitude at home comes and goes. Right now he just chose to be grounded for a week as opposed to do his dishes, something I don't understand.

Mercedes is struggling to "figure things out" as she says -- which involves her not liking me a whole lot lately and her making some stubborn and dumb choices. Fortunately it is nothing severe to our knowledge. But she is digging herself in a hole academically which she may not be able to climb out of which is her plan... she is always going to do better ... next quarter.

Speaking of holes, Tony seems to be failing several classes again and will have to go to summer school. He is saying he won't go.

Leon is doing OK -- a big traffic ticket has impacted his world, but he is being very responsible with it. Hopefully he's going to be able to pull up one bad grade before the end of the quarter.

Dominyk seems to be a bit more stable lately mood wise, but school is also hard for him. He will be attending summer school. He is down to one medication though, and maintaining much better than he ever has with his behaviors.

Wilson's broken arm is healing nicely. He will get a new cast soon. He temporarily has his braces off so we are struggling with retainer wearing.

And there you have it for now. I'm heading to wake everyone up.....

Another day begins....

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