Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time for you to talk to me...

I was thinking of doing this last week and never got around to it...but I would love to know a couple of things from you all:

1) Where are you from?

2) What's your connection to adoption and foster care/

3) Do you have a blog;

4) How long have you been reading mine; and

5) Have you read either or both of my books?


(Thanks to Cody Lee and Nancy who caught my stupid error asking "how long have you been a reader) and got me to fix it!


  1. 1. I've been a reader of books since kindergarten ;D

    2. I'm trying to get my license to foster and adopt in the state of Texas

    3. New Mom (which is sort of a misnomer since I'm not actually a mom yet)

    4. A couple of months--I went looking online for blogs of people who adopted kids from the fostercare system since most of the books I found focused more on foreign or domestic infant adoptions. I actually found Cindy Bodie's blog first and then wandered over here.

    5. I've read the first one twice.

  2. 1-I'm from British Columbia, Canada
    2-I've been a foster parent for 16 years
    3-Yes, its private because of my work place, if you are interested in reading it I can add you by email
    4-I've been reading your blog since just before Wilson and Leon came home
    5-I have read your first book! Loved it:)

  3. 1) Where are you from?
    2) What's your connection to adoption and foster care/
    ADOPTED 2 sib groups of 4
    3) Do you have a blog;
    4) How long have you been reading mine; and
    since 2005
    5) Have you read either or both of my books?
    Yes I have :)

  4. 1. I am from Grand Rapids, MI
    2. I have 4 children adopted from foster care.
    3. No blog
    4. Just started reading your blog last week.
    5. Have not read your books but would like to.

  5. 1. I am from the midwest (Sorry for the vagueness, I am trying to keep my blog somewhat anonymous!)

    2. My husband and I are foster parents

    3. http://crashcourseinparenting.blogspot.com/

    4. I have been reading for maybe 6 months or maybe a bit longer? Ever since I realized I was in way over my head with this foster care stuff I started seeking out blogs of those who had been there, done that! :)

    5. No I have not!

  6. 1) Where are you from? Colorado Springs, CO

    2) What's your connection to adoption and foster care/ Foster parents for 5 years and adopted 4 children during that time.

    3) Do you have a blog; used to! It was too hard to maintain... don't know how you do it!

    4) How long have you been reading mine: A couple of years

    5) Have you read either or both of my books? Have both; read the 1st one and the second is on my Kindle and have started it.

  7. 1. I'm from the Northwest.

    2. I've been a foster mom for eight years and am also an adoptive mom.

    3. My blog is http://richfaithrising.blogspot.com/
    ...because Life IS a Poem!

    4. I just started reading your blog & love foster/adoption &/or faith based blogs.

    5. Haven't read your book, but would love to.

  8. 1) Where are you from?
    Kansas City/Northfield, MN (college)

    2) What's your connection to adoption and foster care?

    I don't really have one. Somehow I stumbled upon the adoption blogworld and got really intererested.

    3) Do you have a blog?


    4) How long have you been reading mine?

    I've probably been reading your blog for over a year, now.

    5) Have you read either or both of my books?

    No, but I'd like to!

  9. 1) Where are you from?
    Near Austin, TX.

    2) What's your connection to adoption and foster care/
    We adopted a sibling pair of teens from Nebraska foster care (we're in TX). They have been diagnosed with RAD, bipolar, ADHD, C-PTSD and many more letters.

    3) Do you have a blog; http://marythemom-mayhem.blogspot.com/

    4) How long have you been reading mine;
    not sure. Probably a couple of years

    5) Have you read either or both of my books?
    No, I desperately want to, but can't them right now.


  10. 1. I am from about 5 miles east of your house.

    2. I was a foster parent and adopted a sibling group of 4 from the system.

    3. roadsage.blogspot.com

    4. Since my daughter told me she was reading your blog. Long time!

    5. I have read the first one but haven't purchased the second one yet. I should get on that!

  11. 1( Where are you from? Castle Rock, Colorado

    2) What's your connection to adoption and foster care/ Fostered for 14 years - 20 kids total, adopted 5 (that means you had a 1 in 4 chance of staying)

    3) Do you have a blog; (yes, but I don't write much)

    4) How long have you been reading mine; at least 4 years - a long time - geeze, it might be 7, I don't remember...

    5) Have you read either or both of my books - no... I've kept up with your pages (you write an awful lot) and tried to keep up with Bart's writings... but I have 8 kids myself, and 3 of them have been a whole handful, themselves.

  12. 1. I am from Scottsdale, Arizona.

    2. We have 13 adopted children from 3 different foreign countries and the U.S. 6 of our children were born with heart defects, one premature at not quite 26 weeks, one with Alcohol Effects, siblings with bonding and attachment issues etc.

    3. I don't have a blog but keep thinking I need to give it a try.

    4 I have been reading your blog for 2 or more years(and never posted I am ashamed to say)

    5.I have not read your books as most of the "challenging" (that's putting it nicely) children are grown. Have you written a book about the struggles with adult children who can be so incrediably needy?

    I have loved reading your blog and wish that there were blogs like yours to read when my "challenging" children were at home. I know I would have felt less alone. Thank you for sharing.

  13. I am now from FLORIDA!
    I have many adopted kids...twelve is what we're counting now. Worked for NACAC. (MN ASAP)
    I do have a blog again. It's called The Saltwater Times. www.naclh20times.blogspot.com
    I've been reading your blog since 2005.
    I read the rough draft of your first book.

  14. 1. Southern California
    2. None
    3. 3 actually (4 if you count my work one)
    4. hmm... 2 years maybe...
    5. I've read the first one need to buy the second one! :)

  15. 1: I'm from 'Hotlanta', Georgia!
    2: I want to work with kids in foster care in some way when I'm older and I plan to adopt kids out of foster care when I grow up :)
    3: yep but it's about my life as a high school and now as a rising college student...pretty boring compared to your life haha :p
    4: Hmmm does the term 'for-like-ever' apply here haha? I think I stumbled upon your blog around 8th grade when I did a project on foster care so that would be some time in 2007.
    5: I have read both of your books I'm looking at them on my bookshelf right now... :D

  16. Where are you from?
    SW Minnesota

    2) What's your connection to adoption and foster care?

    We adopted twice through the states special needs adoptions.

    3) Do you have a blog?

    4) How long have you been reading mine?
    Not sure it has been awhile

    5) Have you read either or both of my books?

  17. TX via MA....adopted 3 from foster care in MA. I have been reading your blog for about a year and a half and have read your first book. I blog at Rancho Chico... I love your blog!

  18. 1) Where are you from?
    Greensboro, NC
    2) What's your connection to adoption and foster care/
    We have 3 adopted siblings and 2 bio kids.
    3) Do you have a blog;
    Yes, it's http//waldenbunch.blogspot.com//
    4) How long have you been reading mine; and
    about a year
    5) Have you read either or both of my books?
    I have not but would like to!

  19. 1) Where are you from?
    Western NYS
    2) What's your connection to adoption and foster care/
    I was a foster parent for 13 years and adopted 7 foster children,2 agency special needs adoptions and 3 bio children.
    3) Do you have a blog;
    4) How long have you been reading mine? about 1 1/2 years
    5) Have you read either or both of my books?
    I have not but would like to!

  20. Anonymous12:25 PM

    1. We are in Dallas, TX

    2. We have 7 kiddos made up of biological and adopted (1 foster).

    3. yes, www.lovelookslikethis.com

    4. um,,,well only a few hours thanks to my Fort Worth area CPS adoption worker

    5.not yet

  21. 1)near ottawa

    2) older child adoption from foster care

    3) www.stellarparenting.blogspot.com

    4) 2 years or so...

    5)no, sadly.

  22. 1) I live in Windham Maine, but I'm from SD/MN/WI.

    2) My in laws were a foster family from the time my DH was 2 until he was about 38. Three of his sisters were adopted after being in their home for years (the other 80-some weren't). We adopted our daughter, but not from foster care. We have considered being foster parents but the one time we got licensed, we moved before we got a placement.

    3) Not really anymore.

    4) I knew about your blog and read the occasional post for a few years but started reading it all around the time Salinda told you she was pregnant. And then I read it backwards for a few years.

    5) I've read both books (and will be sharing them in with my MIL this summer!).

  23. 1) Melbourne FL

    2) I was the henna lady at the Orlando Retreat 2011. I love adoption and trauma mommas. I have a step daughter who has "issues".

    3) I have a blog but don't write on it much. mylifeincludingme.blogspot.com

    4) Year, year and a half.

    5) No, but I'd like to :)

  24. 1) I live in Norman, OK

    2) I was a foster parent briefly and hope to foster and adopt again in the future.

    3) Nope. My life is not quite exciting enough right now for a blog

    4) I've been reading your blog for a few years, and I did read the whole thing from the beginning

    5) I read your first book but haven't gotten around to getting the 2nd book yet, but look forward to reading it soon!

  25. I am from Wisconsin, these days.

    We fostered for a few years, adopted one, setting out to begin again.

    I kinda sorta started a blog, but it went nowhere.

    I've been reading since about 2008

    I've read your first book.

  26. 1) Within view of the Smoky Mtns in TN.

    2) I'm an adoptive mom who was drowning about a year into the adoption, due to RAD/PTSD/ADHD/and more. It had to be the grace of God that sent me out looking for help. Your's was one of the blogs I found. Today, we struggle . . . alot, but at least we understand . . . as much as you can ever understand RAD.

    3) I blog at http://psa139.blogspot.com/ I call it The Porcupine Dance. It helps preserve the sanity I have left. lol

    4. I've been reading you thru Gmail Reader for two years now. I don't remember if I've ever commented before.

    5. I haven't read any of your books, yet.

  27. 1) Where are you from? Alberta, Canada

    2) What's your connection to adoption and foster care? no direct connection other than my best friend was adopted at birth and i nannied for a baby adopted at birth. i used to think id do foster care one day but am unsure at this time if i ever will

    3) Do you have a blog? ive written one entry and probably wont write more due to a need for privacy for my children

    4) How long have you been reading mine? um... im not sure! lol awhile, ive read all the archives

    5) Have you read either or both of my books? the first one, loved it, wish it was longer!

  28. 1. I am from Texas
    2. I am a foster/adoptive mom
    3. I blog at http://foster2forever.com
    4. I've been reading about a year
    5. I haven't read either book

  29. 1) Where are you from? The amazing Upper Peninsula of Michigan!

    2) What's your connection to adoption and foster care? We have 2 boys adopted out of foster care, and are now fostering special needs infants.

    3) Do you have a blog? www.stubbornfishtales.com

    4) How long have you been reading mine? About 4 years

    5) Have you read either or both of my books? I've read MOST of your first one.

  30. 1. Columbus, Ohio
    2. Adoptive parent of 4
    3. My blog http://mommygoesbananas.blogspot.com/
    4. A long long time. I think before Wilson and Leon's adoption.
    5. I haven't read your books...yet. :)
