Sunday, August 14, 2011

And the Routine is Back....

So after a three month sabbatical on my husband's part, which equaled a three month break from our local congregation for me as well, AND a three month break from the routine of our Sunday mornings, today we're back to the basics. Here i am blogging after waking everyone up and waiting for them to get up and get themselves ready for church.... oh yeah, and argue with me.

We had a wonderful night last night over at our friends the Coffees. Courtney and Isaac came, Salinda and Gabby were here for a day and a night and they were there, and the weather was perfect to be outside. The food was delicious, the conversation fun. Then our family all came back to watch Soul Surfer.

The addition to our lives of grandchildren makes family outings so much more fun. Much to our chagrin, Gabby has learned (not from us) to say , "Oh My God!" And unfortunately, the way she says it is so cute that everyone can't help but crack up each time she says it, reinforcing her behavior. It's beyond hilarious because she does it over and over again with the same emotional intensity that is a combination of surprise, shock, glee, and disdain all wrapped into one. Next time she comes I'm going to have to record it for you.

There is something almost magical about watching generations connect... to see these babies growing up with so much nurture and connection. It does something inside me that nothing else ever has. Maybe this is the point of adoptive parents -- to give the next generation a better start, even if the generation we adopt doesn't quite do things the way we had hoped.

Obviously, I didn't get this done before church, but we're home now. I wanted to wait until I could get these pictures uploaded. The one is of Gabby right after she uttered "OMG!" and as you can see, it sure tickled Wilson!

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