Monday, August 15, 2011

The What Ifs....

I realized when listening to a sermon on my Ipod this morning while on the treadmill that one of the ways that I have survived the last several years is that I refuse to let my mind head toward the "what ifs" of the futures of my children. Can you imagine the list of things I would have to worry about if I decided that worry was going to be a part of my mental agenda? It would be endless.

The pastor encouraged his audience to focus not on the What Ifs but on the What Is. And for me the What Is is that God is Faithful.... 100%. He always has been, always will be.

So that's my thought for you today - not sure which of you needed to hear it, but I'm betting somebody did.

Spend your day focusing not on the what ifs but the positive What Is in your life...


  1. Just what I needed to hear today, thank you :)

  2. I LOVE this Claudia!! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm writing this down right now.

  3. this post made me think of a quote i read just the other day-

    "90% of the things you worry about will never happen. 90% of the things that happen will never have occured to you"

    lol <3

  4. As I said previously, catching up on reading (although I did not realize I had not read my "list" for more than a week, lol!)

    This is good! I am just getting to a realization of this myself. The "what if's" weigh me down like cement for they can be numerous and ominous!

    Now I have the second half of my realization - live in the "what is!"
