Saturday, August 20, 2011

Here, Safe, and Tired

We arrived last night about four and hit the ground running as far as conversation goes. Both Ben and Faith have been very good friends of mine for 19 years and even though we have only seen each other periodically, we don't waste any time having very good, very intense conversations about important stuff. We bypass shallow immediately. So we had good talks, good food, headed out for ice cream, and then headed for bed.

This morning Faith and I started with a two hour conversation ... then breakfast -- and then the boys and I headed for lunch with my friend Eric and his family. He is the missions pastor and they are starting and orphan and adoption ministry, so he wanted to pick my brain about it and plan for me to come out for their kickoff in November. The boys were so well behaved but they have endured a lot of boring conversations -- boring in their opinion of course.

This afternoon Ben and Faith's daughter Danielle and her husband and kids came by. Danielle's husband is really intense and he and I had quite involved conversations as well.... leading to supper and then some more visiting when Virginia, another one of their daughters and her husband and two kids came over. They just left and I am exhausted.

I love authentic conversation. But I'm used to having an hour or two a week -- and I've ahd about 10 hours in the last 28. I need to to to bed early.

But Bart is having a decent enough time at home and I'm enjoying my time away.... so it's all good....



  2. You wrote this morning about having deep, meaningful conversations with friends and I wrote about collecting poop. Sad.
