Friday, August 19, 2011


I'm leaving in a few minutes with Leon, Wilson and Jimmy to head to see some very good friends in Illinois.... These friends as a matter of fact.

I'm excited to get away. I haven't been away from Dominyk much at all this summer and he has been without a PCA. His behavior has been better, but last night, wow what a melt down.

I'm looking forward to some time with compliant kids... and even though Jimmy is the one who knocked me to the floor the other night, he is usually very compliant.

I have been working on developing my Core Values as a person and one of them I wrote down on Monday is to love intensely and to forgive freely and quickly, never holding a grudge. I'm trying to practice that with Jimmy.

So we are off. Hopefully I'll remember my camera so I can take some more great pictures of my wonderful friends.

Should you be saying bon voyage if I'm leaving in a Toyota to drive through Iowa?


  1. I always find that forgiving is easier as I'm driving away from the kid I'm frustrated with.

    Vroom vroom.

    Greet the awesome friends from me. ~Kari

  2. Illinois and you didn't tell me earlier??? You can't be more than about 4 hours from St. Louis anywhere in IL. Should add STL to your itinerary...
