Thursday, August 18, 2011

Where was The Wood....

So I say the other day to a couple people what a good summer we've been having and how things are going so well.... and since then, I've been knocked to the floor with bruises to prove it by one kid, and have two who have had such severe meltdowns tonight that property has been damaged and one kid punched a wall and is bleeding.

I shoulda knocked on wood.

I've been gone all day and now am getting ready to leave for the weekend....

Next time I tell you things are going better than ever remind me that that is a dangerous thing to say!


  1. I am very sorry to hear this. Sending you positive thoughts to get through these challenging times.

  2. Feeling the same way, only our bruises are on the inside. Hope your days away help.

  3. It's the most won-won-wonderful time of the year... transition hell.

    Or, Fiddler on the Roof style, "Transitions! Transitions!"

    Hope you feel better soon. Hope school starts soon and you can get past the crud that goes along with transition time.

  4. Catching up on reading ... and just read...

    SO get the knock on wood stuff (and cross fingers, say a prayer, don't step on the cracks, don't say it out loud .... lol!)

    Hugs to you and hopes for smoothness to return soon!
