Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Late Breaking News

My beautiful daughter Salinda found out today that she passed her GED! I'm so proud of her! That means that 5 of our 6 who could have graduated or have a GED have done so!

And Jimmy who has done such a great job of helping out at home since school started has been waiting since June to start a job at the university. He has had many false starts but he just called me to let me know that he is supposed to show up at 7:15 in the morning to get his uniform. He's so proud of himself and we're so proud of him.

Even in the midst of lots of stuff that isn't perfect there is still SO ... MUCH... JOY!


  1. Amen! Way to go Salinda! Way to go Jimmy! WOO-HOO, Mom!

  2. Awesome news! Congrats to both Salinda and to Jimmy.

  3. congrats to them both!

  4. Congrats Salinda!!! Not an easy task with being a mom.

    Way to go Jimmy! Keep up the hard work!!
