Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Million Different Directions

Limited time at the computer this morning -- at a very cool coffee shop which is a Nazarene church on Sunday. Free wifi and Christian music and delicious food. Can't really beat that.

I am having such an amazing time with my old friends. In fact, I encourage you to find an old friend out there and reconnect -- it can be very soul-enriching.

Last night had dinner with the highly esteemed Rev. Dr. Robert Black, religion professor, church historian, author, and all around great guy and his family. However, seeing him in the roll of grandfather to a very interesting 3 year old was super fun. After having him wear the crown, this child announced during the meal, "I do not like adults!" She calls her grandpa B-O-B Bob. She is hilarious. I've known her mom since her mom was 7 or 8 and the whole full circle things is really cool.

Then I had time with Pete and Kim, my very good friends who I love so much, whose son passed away this summer. It was so good to see them and their daughter Ashley and their two new granddaughters that I had not yet met. Amazing to hear from them of their journey and how God has been with them through a very rough time.

I am richly, richly blessed with a lifetime of good friends.

Tonight I get to see my husband! He has been contemplating his mortality and we still haven't received more info about his possible brain tumor or whatever. I'm glad he's choosing to spend the night with me before he finishes up tomorrow and we both fly out at different times tomorrow.

But now my head is everywhere. I have 147 emails that need a response and am feeling quite buried... and I have 75 minutes until I head for lunch.

So some of my brilliant blog posts must be postponed again...

1 comment:

  1. AH!!! Dr. Black!!! I was working for Prof Rogers when he got his doctorate. We made a sign and put on his door, "Now it is time to Practice what you Preach" or something equally as corny. He is such a good guy!
