Tuesday, November 08, 2011

All day long I've been planning to...

write a long blog post.

Except that when I went in for my routine blood thickness level (INR) check and suddenly found myself on the bed, naked from the waste down hooked up to an EKG machine to find out that my heart is now in what they call A-Fib. This is new for me. I will be taking yet another medication.

Apparently it makes me tireder than normal (hey -- if my kids can argue about who is more retardeder, I can talk about being tireder). I sure do feel tired. In fact, I didn't have the energy to type much today -- just keeping up with work was enough.

Now I'm going to do something I hardly ever do and watch TV.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have more energy to tell you more.


  1. Hey Claudia - hope your feeling better. My Mom is also an A-fib, has always been. She had the shock treatment to get it back into normal rhythym some years ago and it lasted for awhile. This fall they started her on a new medication to help the heart stay in rhythym it seems to be helping. Its always been a battle to keep her INR level between 2 & 3 where they want it, I can tell when its getting thicker by her lethargy and her slowing down in many areas. She actually did better when her INR was above a 3, they are considering this and she may just be one of those people who need to be at a thinner level... something to keep in mind

  2. Thanks for the advice. I'm choosing not to stress out about it too much....

    I'm already on Blood thinners so hopefully the other med will help...
