Wednesday, November 09, 2011

No Need to Fret

The text from Cindy (defining me as normal because I do turn my alerts off) was asking about Bart and my health and as I told her, I'm not fretting, so no need for you to either.

I do feel quite lethargic and tired, moving very slowly, and less patient with the nonsense that is constantly going on in our home. Teenage boys are loud, obnoxious, and defiant and they build on each other and I just sit wondering if I have the energy to intervene and ask for more appropriate behavior or if I should just ignore it since I have intervened nearly every day for 15 years and not seen all that much change in their inappropriate behavior. With some it has even gotten worse.

Right now Tony and Dominyk are almost to blows, cussing and going nuts, arguing over football cleats when football has been over for a month and Tony quit before the season was over with -- so they are dragging these dirty cleats into my spotless bedroom (OK, the spotless part is a huge lie), demanding me to read the size to help one of them win the argument.

This morning I have two appointments with Sadie, one at the psychiatrist. She is convinced that her poor performance at school is because she has ADD -- I'm not so convinced although it would be nice to think that some of what I have interpreted to be purposeful ignoring of what I have asked could be related to something other than her own choices.

So another day begins at the Fletchers.... and I have, as I mention nearly every day, a lot to do. Thing is, I love my work ... I just need some of those Americans who watch 4.2 hours of TV per day to give me a couple of their wasted hours. I could do something productive with them!

1 comment:

  1. >>boys are loud, obnoxious, and defiant and they build on each other and I just sit wondering if I have the energy to intervene and ask for more appropriate behavior or if I should just ignore it since I have intervened nearly every day for 15 years and not seen all that much change in their inappropriate behavior. With some it has even gotten worse<<

    Yup, I understand completely. They know better, but they don't ACT better. My dh was right, he kept telling me they out grow the worst of it if you don't have to kill them first. I've given up on correcting every.little.stupid.thing. I'd go crazy if I did. Now I just correct for attempted physical harm (not just rough housing), lies (not much of that here thankfully) and over use of profanity (some of mine swear, some don't- thankfully they all know when its NOT appropriate in public). I love them, they are hilarious, rowdy and fun... except for the times I wanna pull out my hair or theirs.
