Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Circle of Life

This is so cool. I wish I had pictures of the actual event I am about to describe, but I didn't know that it was happening until after it was over.

19 years ago I lived in Valles, SLP, Mexico as a lay missionary and Ben and Faith and their 4 children were there at the same time. We spent time together daily - and we had a great time ... so many memories and stories.

One of our favorites is me reading to their then three year old, Benji, who was adorable (and still is). If You know the book you will recognize these two sections:

Not one of them is like the other
I don't know why, go ask your mother.

and later in the book

Why are they sad, and glad, and bad?
I do not know, go ask your Dad.

Benji and I had a favorite thing to do with the books he new best. I would read through the first parts of a page and he would finish it for me.

A family legend was created when every single time that I read this section, Benji would finish it this way.

Why are they sad and glad and bad?
I do not know, go ask your......


Every time he would get it wrong and we would laugh. His sisters tell me that he now owns a One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish t-shirt as an adult.

Benji is off being important working at MIT after graduating from there, so he isn't here. I snagged a couple pictures off his Facebook to show you (sorry not that clear him as a little boy and him now).

Yesterday my sons were over at Benji's sisters house with me and were taking turns reading books to the kids.

My Jimmy, now almost 20, is named after Ben, Benji's Dad, who he is also named after. And yesterday Jimmy read the same exact book to Benji's niece and nephew, 19 years after I read it to Benji.

Can't you just hear Elton John sing the Lion King Theme song as you read this story?

It's the Circle of Life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life

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