Sunday, November 13, 2011

Time to Talk about It.

A very busy two days they have been but I promised I'd fill you in when I had time to talk about it -- so I have some time before church this morning to do just that.

I left at 6:30 a.m. on Friday morning, arriving early because I forgot that it was Veteran's Day and there would be no rush hour. Class went great -- what a phenomenal bunch of women and a guy. Love being with them as they are bright, experienced, and have great insights to share. Some of the things we come up with as a group are nothing less than brilliant.

As soon as I was done teaching at 4 I got in the van and drove ninety minutes to meet Bart who was delivering Jimmy, Tony and Wilson to me to come with me to this weekend's speaking engagement and stay with the friends we visited in August. Leon started his job yesterday at the grocery store, so he could come with us which was disappointing to me.

WE drove to the hotel in Des Moines, spent the night, and then drove into the Quad Cities around noon to have lunch. We then headed over to see Danielle's brand new baby, born on Tuesday. It was so fun holding her -- tiny and perfect, their third. I first met Danielle when she was eight so it is so fun seeing her as a mom and the beautiful woman that she is now.

Jimmy then headed with me to do the Adoption Forum using the Prezi that you see here. It's just my outline, but isn't the technology great! So much better than a Powerpoint. And for all you people who are like Bart out there, I know that it should be its and not it's, but I can't figure out how to change it and it's only in the title not in the presentation. And for those of you who are really concerned about what I present -- my twist on the word rescuing was much different than you might imagine. I talked about how often we head into adoption thinking we are rescuing kids, but often God uses the process to rescue us from our former selves. And oh yeah, one more thing, the focus of the next to last section is the belt buckle in case any of your minds went elsewhere.

We didn't finish until about 9 last night with the forum at Heritage Church, but it was a great event....

Good nights sleep and now we are up and heading for church. Driving back the 7 hours tomorrow as I'm just way too tired to put in 7 hours tonight. I'm getting a bit too old and unhealthy for some of the things I used to do in the past.

But I love talking to people about adoption knowing that each time I do I might have a part in seeing a child -- either in another country or here in the U.S. find a home. It remains my passion and they can't all fit into my home. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hello! you don't know me but i stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and have been following ever since. I just wanted to say you are a great inspiration to me! We're in the process of trying to become foster parents and will hopefully adopt eventually through foster care. We have a unique situation, too much to type in one little but feel free to check out my blog for more info :) i just wanted to say thank you for being a great role model for those of us who are just beginning this chapter in our lives.

