Friday, November 04, 2011

I am alive, really I am

I'm alive and well. Very busy last couple days. A huge project on Thursday that I'm only half done with and then yesterday was a strategic planning meeting that lasted all day long. We left the office at 5:00 and went to the airport to pick up Matt. Fortunately, he is not a chain-saw murderer but seems like a (fairly) normal guy. I'm looking forward to speaking with him today at the Adopt America Author's Event at Funny Bones, a Toledo comedy club. It should be a good day.

Things are OK at home though I'm annoyed by some little things, one of them being how freely one of my children feels it is appropriate to be in sharing the details of the car accident and how Bart felt about it without even asking him. Also have kids skipping the occasional class because they know that I am the enforcer of consequences for that and I'm not home.

Apparently Salinda, Henry and Gabby are back home because Henry started working at the same place where John is working in St. Peter (about 10 miles from us -- 40 miles from his folks). We'll see how long they stay.

I am going to work a bit before we go out to brunch and then go DO THIS THING! ;-)

Hope everyone's week has been good.

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