Sunday, November 06, 2011

Greetings from Chicago

Wow. How in the world can I write a blog post that talks adequately about the last 24 hours of my life?

WE left for The Funny Bone and got ready for the authors even that went really well. It was a great experience. I don't usually get told to be funny -- so there was some pressure there -- but it went well. Matt was great to speak with and the event was good.

We ended up having dinner afterwards with Kevin Hoffman and his wife and with Rhonda Roorda, author of In Their Own Voices: Transracial Adoptees Tell Their Story. We had a fabulous time, having authentic conversation about things that really matter.

During my time in Toledo I stayed with my boss from the Adopt America Network and got to know some of her family. We had lots of great conversations -- and her husband, Steve is a great cook! That's Wendy. I also got to poke fun at their 16 year old daughter which was awesome.

This morning has been spent in airports and on an airplane reading Kevin's book -- which I'm enjoying. I am now going ot work a couple hours before getting on another plane to head home.

Some of the kids haven't done well while I'm gone. I'm thinking of putting some of my speaking on hold after I finish the gigs I have already set up. We'll see I guess.

I don't get back on a plane for almost three months and I am going to lose some weight before I do this again!!!!

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