Monday, November 07, 2011

Routine Begins Again

Here I am back in the saddle so to speak, waking kids up for school, asking why they made the choices they did while I was gone, congratulating them (Wilson, a 70 pound sixth grader won the Ice Cream Eating Contest at the state wide church middle school weekend (JUMYS) and was quite pleased with him self), and asking questions about homework, chores, room cleaning, etc. The ENFORCER is back and that whole part of me has kicked in full force this morning, though last night I tried to make my re-entry as peaceful as possible.

Breaking news is that Leon has a job! He's very excited about it -- at the grocery store -- and will find out today when he starts working.

Henry, Salinda and Gabby are now here as Henry is working 15 miles away and working long hours, which helps with the situation of them staying up way later than anyone else because he is too tired to do so.

If you haven't heard, tonight Bart is speaking for an adoption support group in North Mankato -- with a little help from his wife -- but not much. Details are here.

I realized that my link to Kevin Hoffman's blog yesterday didn't work so I fixed it in that post but wanted to call your attention to it. If you are the parent of a child of color, it's a must read. I almost finished his book yesterday, White in Black, and it is a very insightful memoir.

Time to move on to the next phase of my morning and take the kids to school.

Have a great day!

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