Wednesday, November 09, 2011

That's What Friends Are For

Kari just picked me up from the parking lot of the psychiatrist office. Mercedes has an appointment there at 12:30. She had a dentist appointment and refused to get out of the vehicle to go to school afterwards. She is very unhappy because I confiscated her phone after an accusation was made with the intention of proving the accuser wrong, but that didn't happen. So, instead of sitting being berated by her for hours in the van, I decided that I should drive to the psychiatrist office instead just to get her that far. She was supposed to just have a routine visit about ADD....

So Kari came and rescued and gave me a ride. I was in tears (not something that happens, but lately more common because I don't have the stamina) and couldn't imagine sitting trapped in a vehicle with a vehement angry teenage girl. Kari drove me to the restaurant where I planned to work until meeting up with Bart for lunch. Having her phone has shown me many things.

One of the things that it is very difficult to get through the heads of this generation is that if you put something in writing it is out there. Even if she remembers to delete things, other people don't have to delete them. We had to take away Jimmy's texting because he was borderline harassing girls and setting up fake deals to buy pot and then not showing up. All this is this idea that if you text it it disappears just like words. But it doesn't.

I'm tempted to tell you all the whole story, but that would just involve me implicating people in writing without ever being able to explain the whole thing. Let's just say that all of us should be careful of putting our words in writing....

Thanks, Kari. I feel better already.... just because I'm not there!

In good times, in bad times, I'll be by your side forever more....


  1. I'm feelin' the love. ♥

  2. teenage girls, I'm pretty tired of them as well...
    Our girls had their phones taken away a year ago, basically same scenerio as yours, because their phones were under my name etc. I could go online and actually print out all the text messages, ugly/nasty blah blah blah
    we do have a phone the girls could take when they were gone on school events and we had to coordinate pick up times, but they couldn't text and I reminded them each time that I could easily look on the computer and know who they called and when they called even if they deleted it from the phone. They like to steal phones from other students so the staff at school is on alert and confiscates any they see the girls with. They gave us no choice. They also don't have access to facebook or myspace as that was just another avenue to either be bullied or do the bullying.

  3. This is partly a maturity issue. I have teens who are just so much less mature than their peers, yet they want all the stuff and all the perks that their peers have. My kids "cannot remember" so many things (chores, home work, house rules, etc), why would I let them text, go on FB or even drive when they have such poor memories? We have tried and tried to teach common sense, I think you can improve on what you already have in that area, but you have to be born with at least some or you are doomed to fail. My kids have weird thought processes, weirder than most teens I imagine since I usually feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone any time I try to explain something to them.

    We all need a break from teenage girl drama (I have zero patience left for it at this point having had 4 teen girls so far) and teen boy stupidity. I would have taken the cleats and stored them away until next season - I have little patience left in any area apparently. I am always amazed that my kids can argue about the dumbest things as if its life or death.
