Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve Recap

We began Christmas eve by celebrating Wilson's 13th birthday, leaving Bart and I childless after 15 years of parenting children. We now are officially only the parents of teenagers and children. We have brought everyone to their teen years, though some of them only lived with us for a year or two before they got here.

I then had these highlights for my evening:

1) Seeing all of my kids, my daughter-in-law, my grandson's mom, and both of my grandkids all on the same night -- just not at the same time. Gabby and Salinda arrived 45 minutes after Kyle and Christy left.

2) Having all of my children in church on the same night, though again not at the same time.

3) Seeing my grandchildren's faces, each in a different service, by candlelight for the first time as we sang "Silent Night." It was beautiful.

4) Hearing my husband preach twice and sing in a duet. He has a lovely voice.

5) Watching my grandson and a few of my kids open gifts that they seemed to appreciate and were appropriately grateful for.

6) Having the least amount of stress we have ever had on a Christmas Eve.

And I"m going to leave my post just like this without the things that trouble me.

Hope everyone has the merriest of Christmases.

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