Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve morning and I'm a big behind on the things I need to do this season. Usually everything is done by now, but I haven't wrapped gifts yet! I'm doing that this morning at 9:30.

My best laid plans are being switched around by everyone elses not so well laid plans, so I'm just trying to relax and go with the flow. Not exactly my area of expertise, but so far I'm alive and hanging in there. Of course, the day is young and nobody is awake yet except Dominyk who informed me first thing this morning that I have already ruined his f-ing day.

So, I'm off to gather the gifts from around the house to take them to be wrapped... and then we have Wilson's favorite meal for lunch to celebrate his birthday which is today. Tonight -- church, China Buffet with the kids who don't live here (minus Salinda who now is coming later and staying until tomorrow), and then a 10 p.m. service.

Tomorrow morning we are having chruch and then opening gifts and having our big dinner. ANd then, suddenly, it will all be over. Last year was the best year Christmas we had ever had. Maybe this year will be even better!

Happy Christmas Eve everyone!


  1. Christmas always seems to sneak up you. I haven't started wrapping yet, or made my cookies, or started my christmas eve dinner.
    Happy holidays!

  2. I'm hoping that despite the challenges that you have a blessed Christmas Day and that it lasts through the Season!

  3. Yeah, I know the feeling...I'm a big behind, too....! Have a Blessed Christmas!

  4. Hilarious Typo on my Part Queen B. Wow, am I out of it these days.

  5. Gotta love ya, Claudia! Thanks for the chuckle, it made my day!
