Monday, January 16, 2012

I just can't keep up with it all..... but I'm trying!

yesterday we had great services in the morning and then a wonderful family dinner afterwards. The seven (yes, seven, first time since 1999) that are currently living at home were there plus John, Courtney and Isaac. We had Isaac down at our end of the table and it was really really fun. He is just the cutest baby in the world. Have I mentioned that?

Then I read a book. yes, I read a novel. Fiction. Believe it?

At night Bart and I were able to have a nice dinner out alone together talking about a couple of unbloggable situations. It was great to spend time with him.

This morning has been a series of stupid things one after another. I am getting worn out...

Maybe this afternoon I'll transfer some files. It's something I've been needing to do...

Hope everyone is enjoying their day off -- if this is one.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning! So funny you write about a fiction Novel...I also just began a's a documentary though...can't go as crazy as fiction yet...rather than my typical reading on adoption, foster care, healing wounded children, FASD, RAD, Autism, and general feeling as if I'm beating-my-head-against-a-brick-wall kind of book. Wondering about Spiritual Warfare for you my seems you are being attacked on many fronts. Thank you for baby steps blog! Our whole family is enjoying the "Smile" video/song and we play it often when a few or our size 10 household get crabby...although I must admit...I usually play it for ME! Blessings for the load to lighten today for you and Bart!
