Saturday, January 14, 2012

Zero Kids Waiting January 2012

Always good stuff in here.

I wish there was some way that I could convince many more people that providing a home for a teenager was a good idea....

Maybe my blog is working against that whole idea.... but I'm still plotting as to how we can do it again. I still think a 16 or 17 year old might not be a bad idea, if I can get a couple kids here more stable. They've been doing better lately.

Or maybe we should return to fostering? That way they don't know they are getting "adopted" but we can do it in our hearts and eventually who knows.... but they wouldn't have to play the "I don't want to get adopted" game.

Anyone who reads my blog fostering teen boys? How is that these days?


  1. It's hard to say when, isn't it? Prayers for you and Bart...what a heart the Lord has given you for teen age boys. Blessings and peace upon you as you discern His leading.

  2. My heart wants to... my life says not yet.
    Sugar coat it and you will pay for it later. In order to be effective in reaching our kids we gotta be upfront and honest all the time, we can work with truth - good or bad - you can do nothing with lies or dishonesty. If folks know what they are facing they can somewhat prepare, I say somewhat because life always throws us a looloo, if they know ahead of time that it's not gonna be picture perfect, norman rockwell, my three sons... etc. they can do their best and love till they burst, knowing that it may or may not be reciprocated, but in the end they will have made a difference, sometimes just knowing someone sees you, someone hears you can make all the difference in their life.

  3. I have a 13 y/o foster son. He just turned 13 actually. He was placed with me about 3 1/2 months ago. My first ever experience at being a mom. And single too.

    His plan is for adoption. Supposedly there's a relative that may be able to take him. He's a great kid and I would adopt him, but there's this poop issue that totally grosses me out. It might sound petty, but cleaning up and smelling poop for the next five years is not something I want to do. In fact if I had been informed about the seriousness of this issue I wouldn't have taken him in the first place. On the other hand though, I'm invested in his life and if its a choice between me adopting him or him aging out of foster care alone, its a no brainer.

    I've wanted to do foster care for the purpose of adoption for many years, but I kept waiting for life to be just right. Finally I realized that life will never be just right and if I want to do it, I needed to just do it.
