Thursday, February 02, 2012

Finally Blogging the Unbloggable Goodnews

On Christmas Eve, after Mike had left home after we did gifts, he texted Bart and I and said ... "Do you want to know what you and Dad's Christmas present is." I turned to Bart, and said, "Trick Question." He texted back, "Just having you here was enough of a gift for us." He wrote back, "Tessa and are having a child."

Well, of course I wanted to tell the world because in my eyes, every baby is a celebration. But he wasn't ready for that. In fact, even as late as last week he told me I couldn't tell anyone.

But last night when I visited him in jail he told me that I could share the news.

so... here's the news, finally! The baby is due on June 13th and the doc is 95% sure it's a boy. Tessa is doing well, not drinking at all, I've made sure to have that conversation with her, and taking care of herself.

We are kind of hoping that he'll come early. Bart was born on June 9th, which was his grandmother's birthday, and his grandmother was born on her grandmother's birthday, so how cool would that be?

Grandkids truly are "beauty from ashes" in many situations but it sure is easier to deal with these kind of situations when you've had practice. This is our third time around this circle.

So it's finally out and you can congratulate me!!!!


  1. Congratulations! Hope things go OK for the boys, and for all of your family.

  2. Congratulations from Canada!

  3. Congratulations, Claudia! Glad to hear your good news.

  4. Congratulations Claudia and Bart. Babies are truly a gift from the Lord. Hope Tessa continues to do well. And June 9th sounds like a wonderful day to be born!

  5. Good news indeed! Congrats to you and your family.

  6. Congrats on the new impending grandchild! I'm glad that mom is taking care of herself and the little one.

  7. Congratulations! Babies are such a blessing.

  8. Congratulations! I can always feel the joy you have when writing/sharing pictures of your grandbabies!

  9. A little red head grandbaby would be adorable!

  10. Congratulations!

  11. Congratulations! We are going to be "unoffical", but still grandparents this year as well.

    Angela :-)
