Saturday, February 04, 2012

Just a quick 3 mintes

Sorry for not blogging yesterday. Left at 6:30, taught all day, got home at 7:30 and didn't even get out my computer.

Slept in and am heading up to Crossview Covenant to do their Tropical getaway...

A family member was in the newspaper again this week -- the car accident was given in detail, including Isaac's name.

And I had an interesting almost threatening facebook message from a birthmom -- but it is all a misunderstanding. It was sent in December though and I just saw I'll have to decide if I should answer or not.

Quiet weekend here .. several kids gone which may be good because Bart is swamped today and I'm speaking... and I need to be there in 25 minutes and I'm not even completely dressed nor have I packed up my books to sell.

Guess I need to stop blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I'm so glad Courtney & Isaac are alright!
